Joint Care

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Northwestern Medicine® is a trademark of Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, used by Northwestern University.

Northwestern Medicine® | 251 East Huron Street | Chicago, Illinois 60611 |

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Northwestern Medicine Orthopaedic specialists can help you get back to the things you love to do.

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Take Our Online Joint Health Assessment

Learn how joint health impacts your life. Our online joint health assessment can help you assess your hip or knee pain, and get moving in the right direction.

Anchored by Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the only Illinois hospital on the national Honor Roll for 12 straight years, Northwestern Medicine is a nationally-recognized destination for highly specialized orthopaedic care.*

* U.S. News & World Report, 2023 — 2024

Is joint pain affecting your quality of life? 

At Northwestern Medicine, we know healthy joints are important for an active lifestyle. Our Orthopaedics team can provide diagnosis services and pain reduction care options.